
KartoBit is an open research network for Geographic Information Science(GIS) with researchers around the world. The talent network focuses on developing computational methods to enable discovery, representation and application of geospatial knowledge for both human- and machine-centered applications, e.g., smart city, robotic autonomy. Besides the core role of a open lab, it also serves as an incubator and a connector. Dr. Jian Yang lead the collective effort since 2016, after finishing his doctoral study at Lehrstuhl für Kartographie, Technische Universtität München.

  • OpenLab: A platform to foster project-based research collaboration
  • Incubator: An accelerator to generate actionable value from research outcomes
  • Connector: A bridge maker between industrial needs and academic empowerment

Research Clusters

  • GeoKDD: Knowledge Discovery from Spatio-Temporal Datasets
  • CogAgent: Cognitive Computing for Intelligent Agents
  • CrowdNav: Crowdsourced Navigation for Industrial Applications