KRN Projects

Building Web Portal of ubiMap:Label Validation and Pattern Analysis

2023-2024, KartoBit Incubation(no.KRN2303GK)
GeoKDD Project, initiated by KartoBit Research Network
Partner with ETH

QAVGI:Quality Assessment of OpenStreetMap Data for Navigation Data Production

2023-2024, KartoBit Incubation(no.KRN2302CN)
CrowdNav Project, initiated by KartoBit Research Network
Partner with XJU

Computational Models of Intelligent Perception, Early Warning and Risk Assessment System for Natural Disaster

2023-2024, KartoBit Incubation(no.KRN2301GK)
GeoKDD Project, initiated by KartoBit Research Network and funded by SongShan Laboratory, China
Partner with CUGW

Integrating Sensing, Mapping and Planning on Unmanned Ground Vehicles for Offroad Long Distance Navigation

2022-2023, KartoBit Incubation(no.KRN2201CA)
CogAgent Project, initiated by KartoBit Research Network
Partner with CAS

Prediction and Anomaly Detection of Multiple Time Series for Urban Drainage Monitoring

2022, KartoBit Incubation(no.KRN2202GK)
GeoKDD Project, initiated by KartoBit Research Network and funded by Hangzheng Instrument Equipment Co. Ltd
Partner with SZU

Information Retrieval System of Large Scale Scanned Map Images

2022-2023, KartoBit Incubation(no.KRN2102GK)
GeoKDD Project, initiated by KartoBit Research Network and funded by Twenty First Century Aerospace Technology Co. Ltd
Partner with NNU

Modeling Evolution Process of Indoor Human Activities using WiFi Positioning Data

2020-2022, NSFC(no.41901335)
GeoKDD Project, funded by National Science Foundation of China

Data Accquisition and Location-based Information Aggregation for Pan-Information Map

2017-2021, China's National Key R&D Program (no.2017YFB0503500)
GeoKDD Project, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China